Battles through pregnancy

One fine night when I came to know about being pregnant through the test performed at home, me & my hubby we both had mixed emotions- happy ,scared, nervous all at the same time as it was not a planned pregnancy. I have been married for 2 years & we both were struggling to become financially stable.We had moved to Gurgaon, where I joined a new job just a month back and my husband was still searching for job as his old company turned out to be a fraud one.
I could not sleep properly that night because of the anxiety that came with this good news!
I was in office the next day & my husband found a good doctor online whom we can visit, he came to pick
me in the evening and we straightaway went to the doctor. There were so many couples in the waiting zone with us and we had got last appointment. we heard a conversation of the couple who went in the room very nervously and came out smiling and laughing. Then, came our turn to consult the doctor. The first thing in our mind was whether we should continue the pregnancy or not! And here we got the reply from the doctor quoting about the previous couple that they had been struggling for past 5 years to conceive & its now they got this wonderful gift and you guys have conceived it without any effort and naturally I would suggest you to experience this. She told us to get HCG test and Doppler test done as I was already 2-3 weeks overdue to my missed period date.
We went to the clinic & got the tests performed & hearing my baby’s heartbeat for the first time through the Doppler test was something I cannot describe in words, I heard a life is growing in me ; especially when it haven’t begun to show yet. And that very moment me and my hubby had tears in our eyes,despite of the not-so-good financial conditions, we decided to welcome our child into this world and we went ahead with announcing the good news to our parents & closed ones
Though it is by-far the best feeling and experience one can get in one’s life. For me it had involved days when I had struggled a lot. My pregnancy was not as easy one., I developed nausea that was scary as hell, my day used to start with morning sickness, puke and vomit. The smells of Garlic, Ghee, Wheat Flour used to irritate me like anything and triggering vomit anytime. I couldnot understand at times whether I was being hungry, overeaten or acidity. I had to eat as soon as I could realise the first signs of hunger, otherwise acidity and hunger would result in fatigue. The first thing my husband used to do after picking me from the office was to take me to a food place . I used to get so exhausted after coming through the office & could not collect strength to cook anything for just the two of us as the smells would also irritate me. Sometimes we used to order food from a “Ghar-ka-khana” types rasoi or my husband and me both used to cook .
During office time, I could feel the urge to puke anytime & would had to run to go to the washroom. My trips to the rest room became more frequent because of the nausea and urination .Some people used to wonder what has happened to me and they might have got a click in their minds about my pregnancy too.
My husband’s trial to search for the job fastened as it was something we wished and needed badly. By God’s grace he got an offer too but as we were not the luckiest ones, he got a job posted at Kurukshetra, a place which is 4-5 hours distant from Gurgaon. He requested and I silently prayed to God but nothing worked as he had only one option with him. Although I was working but at that point of time when I was myself not sure about my condition & post-pregnancy time lapse, depending upon my job to survive was something not an intelligent decision and considering my husband’s job with better earning was the only option to go ahead with! At this point of time when I was expecting a child, neither travelling was possible nor living away from each other to pursue our jobs was possible as my dependency on my husband has increased now. The tough decision that I had to take was none other than quitting my job and go back to Sonepat where we used to live earlier with in-laws.
Finally with a heavy heart I had to take that call to quit my job and move along with my husband. I realized that in life many things don’t always go according to the plan. My motivation was to welcome our child which was the biggest responsibility now.
My first trimester was passed when I got shifted to Sonepat but the fatigue and morning sickness stayed.
The second trimester gifted me severe indigestion & constipation.I used to remain constipated for a hell lot of days despite of intaking high fibre-rich diet, nothing great happened. Food like Chicken, mutton became my enemy, albeit I love them
As the days were passing by, the feeling to meet the baby gave me anxiety, excitement & goosebumps . My growing belly made me heavy and bloated all the time, having an urge to pee after every two minutes.It was difficult to sleep during the nights as the loop of thirst and peeing went on and on. Vomitting and constipation were still playing their major parts in this phase.And how can I forget Mood Swings…Actually the emotions made me freaky .
The day I felt some sort of movement in my belly, I was unable to differentiate whether it was actually baby kicks or the gas/acidity that is being penetrated. Gradually when the kicks became more strong and frequent I was able to feel tha baby rolling here and there ; kickies and punches in the tummy. Sometimes the baby would poke me just below my belly button which felt like bubble bursting or a tingling sensation. The emotional impact of feeling your baby move inside you cannot be overstated, which definitely gave me strength and positivity in the hustle-bustle of entire pregnancy