Diapers : Old wives tale & new mom's experience!

Thanks to the invention of diapers, they are a boon for new mommies like me and you! When my son was born I had no knowledge about diapers and how to use them. All of the opinions that I have got from my elders were not in favor of using the diapers. When there is a newborn baby, a c-section mommy and home too which needs to be taken care of, using diaper for a baby becomes a necessity. Where on the other hand, I was advised to use Cotton Nappies or Langot for newborn baby, I ditched the idea and switched to disposable diaper!
We all know that a newborn baby’s skin is sensitive and needs extra care. So choosing a diaper for my newborn was a lengthy process and I had to go through trial and error method. I tried three-four brands then ended up with the conclusion that diaper should be breathable for the baby’s soft and tender skin. It should soak the moisture, especially when with newborns who pee and poop too frequently. With my newborn baby I ended up choosing pampers newborn baby tab style diaper because with a small baby its easy to wear and take off tab style diaper that are adjustable and has tape at both ends rather than pant style. Though after 2-3 months, I found pant style diapers were easier to wear and also tears off from both ends while taking off.
I have tried many brands for my baby and Pampers came out to be the best .
Some of the myths that I busted while I used pampers for my baby are :
1. Diapers are not comfortable : Often I was advised not to use diaper for the baby as it would make the baby uncomfortable. Let the baby be free without diaper . As diaper will hamper the activity of the baby because of the discomfort
My Take : A good brand and perfect sized diaper is comfortable for the baby. Just be sure of the soaking capability of the diaper and check the leakage. Pampers have been best choice for my baby and me, as Pampers baby dry pants have an inner layer which has baby lotion which again protects baby’s sensitive skin from moisture and rashes.
Buy Pampers for Newborn baby from here
2. Same feeling like we wear Pads : No! Not at all, the way we wear pads are damn different thing than diapers. Diaper is extremely soft and is like a pant that covers the baby’s bottom, while the pad has to stick to the panty . The baby’s pee and a women's period are too much different.
My Take : I wonder how people can think of such analogies. Diapers are extremely soft and have altogether different leaking and soaking mechanism than that of a pad.
3. Diapers will cause rash: Use of diapers always cause rash to the baby’s skin. Always apply diaper rash cream and baby powder while wearing diaper to the baby.
My Take : Buying a good brand diaper and changing it as per the requirement doesn’t cause any rash. In my case, I have used Pampers for my baby, which hasn’t caused him rash till now and he is 19 months old now and still wears pampers active baby pants at night. I do not even apply powder or rash cream on daily basis before wearing him diaper. Pampers baby dry pants have an inner layer which has baby lotion which again protects baby’s sensitive skin from moisture and rashes.
4. Buy a next-level size diaper : we are asked to choose a diaper which is one size bigger for your baby. It is believed to prevent diaper rashes as the over sized diaper would be loose for baby.
My Take : Oversized diaper actually causes leakage because of the poor fit. When baby pees or poops in it, the urine or the poop leaks through the sides creating an unexpected mess around for you to clean and the baby to smear :)
5. Change it after every 30-40 minutes: Some might advice you to change the diaper after every 30-40 minutes else it will cause rash to the baby or if the urine is not soaked properly,it will cause infection to the baby.
My Take: This has never been the case with me, I have always changed diapers in a stipulated time of 2-3 hours when my baby was newly born or as per the pee and poop requirement. At the age of 1 year, I did not even feel the need to change the diaper throughout the night. It could last for pretty 6-7 hours. I started using pant style Pampers after 3-4 months of baby’s age. And I use Pampers active style diaper at night.
Buy Pampers Premium Care Extra Large Size Diaper from here
6. Diaper will hamper the smooth walking of child : When a child wears diaper most of the time, then he is unable to walk properly. He/She either walks with broad gap between legs . So I was adviced to stop using diapers when my baby was practicing the art of walking.
My Take : I again ditched the idea and nothing such sorts happened. He walked very smoothly and at the right age. Only thing that I did was to avoid using diaper at the age of 1 during the day time as to train him how to pee and poop.I still needed that moisture free sleep of my baby and me so I used Pampers active baby diapers at night.
Buy Pampers Active Baby Extra Large Size Diapers from here
Disclaimer : I have experienced and used Pampers as best choice for my baby. Please see whether it also suits your little bud’s tender skin too. I believe it should also work wonders for moms out there!